homeowners insurance

Protect Your Kids’ Future by Insuring Your Home Properly

A home often is the most valuable asset that people own, and homeowners insurance is the best protection they can have for it. About 5% of all homeowners filed homeowners insurance claims in 2019, according to Policygenius, but not all of those claims were paid. The following are commonly excluded perils that require additional coverage to fully protect your family home.

External Flooding

Most homeowners insurance policies will protect your home against burst water pipes, ruptured water heaters, and other common sources of internal flooding. When the water comes from outside, though, you need external flood insurance coverage. Only dedicated flood insurance policies will protect against losses that are caused by external flooding.

Wind and Hail Damage

Tornadoes, straight-line winds, and hail can be very damaging to homes and often are excluded from standard homeowners insurance policies. You likely need to purchase additional coverage for wind and hail damage to fully protect your family home against those perils. Without it, you might find some or all of your house blown down with no way to repair the damage.

Earthquakes and Land Movement

Homes in locations like southern California or that are near volcanoes need earthquake insurance coverage to protect against damage caused by earthquakes. Otherwise, a home could become a total loss. Land movement, including mudslides and landslides, likewise requires additional coverage to avoid total losses.

Replacement vs. Market Value

Many homeowners anticipate their homes increasing in value, but that does not always happen. The same goes for their personal belongings. You can ensure full repairs or replacement by obtaining replacement coverage for your home or your items inside and avoid a potential shock if the market value is lower than you anticipated and your insurance payout is less than you need for repairs or replacement.

Falling Objects

Do you have a lot of trees on your property or one or more trees situated near your home or another structure? If the wind blows it over or maybe a heavy branch falls and causes a lot of structural damage, then you would need insurance that protects against damage caused by falling objects. Even something as rare as a meteorite might strike your home, which insurance against falling objects should cover.

You can call us to learn about the best homeowners insurance protection for your family home and to get quotes from several of the nation’s leading home insurers.

insurance agency

It’s Time to Insure Your Antique Vehicle!

Antique car collectors may not realize that an insurance agency can provide specific policies to protect their vehicles. That’s because they likely think that only modern, driven cars need protection. After all, according to Bankrate, around 215 million people have car insurance in America. However, antique car collectors can also utilize specialized coverage policies to keep their items safe and minimize loss risk. Here are some reasons to get insurance today.

Protects Your Investment

For many buyers, an antique car is an investment. Many buy multiple old cars that will increase in value as they age, particularly if they’re kept in great condition. Thankfully, antique car insurance can protect this investment by providing repairs and total loss coverage. So, if someone steals your antique car unexpectedly, you can get compensated for its value and avoid losing out on all your investment.

Provides Low Deductibles

Typically, an insurance agency provides low deductibles on antique vehicle policies. That’s because this coverage focuses heavily on protecting vehicles that rarely, if ever, run. As a result, the deductible is much lower. Furthermore, many antique car repairs will cost more money than those for standard vehicles. This lower deductible ensures that collectors don’t pay too much for their policy.

Minimizes Damage Risks

While antique cars may not get driven often, sitting for extended periods may also cause damage. For instance, the oil may congeal when antique collectors aren’t careful and could wreck the engine. Antique car insurance policies help protect against this kind of common damage. They may help to replace these affected parts with components that match an owner and their vehicle’s damage repair needs.

Helps During Car Shows

Antique car owners may take their vehicles to car shows to make a little extra cash or just show off. Unfortunately, transporting vehicles to and from these destinations may put them at a higher risk of damage. Thankfully, antique car insurance policies typically have show protection that keeps a vehicle safe during transportation and while at the show, including theft risks.

These important benefits make antique car insurance a great option for any collector. If you’re looking to protect your vehicle and want to work with an insurance agency that you can trust, reach out to us today at AOA West to learn more. Our team of experts will help you better understand these policy types and the unique ways that they can benefit you and your specific car type.

motorcycle insurance

What to Know About Choosing Motorcycle Insurance

Insuring your vehicles isn’t just about following the law, it’s about protecting yourself. According to Statista, there were about 5 million car crashes involving property damage in 2018, with 1.8 million injuries and more than 34 thousand fatalities. If you’re looking to protect yourself with motorcycle insurance, then here’s what you should know about choosing the right policy.

Type of Coverage

The first thing you need to decide when you’re choosing a motorcycle insurance policy is what type of insurance you actually need. There are different types of motorcycle insurance, but the biggest difference is between liability and full coverage. If you want to ride your motorcycle legally in most states, then you’ll need to have liability insurance at the very least. Unlike liability insurance, full coverage will provide coverage for damage to your vehicle as well as your medical bills, in addition to the other party’s vehicle damage and medical bills. However, it’s important to keep in mind that full coverage comes with a higher monthly premium.

Amount of Coverage

Different states have different minimums when it comes to how much motorcycle insurance you’re supposed to carry, and they have different laws in terms of minimum coverage. You might not have enough coverage to protect yourself if you’re in a very expensive accident. When you’re getting coverage for your motorcycle, take some time to talk to your agent to make sure you’re getting enough coverage in case of an accident. You don’t want to be left paying out of pocket after any damages occur.

Additional Coverage

In addition to standard coverage when you’re in an accident, there are other types of motorcycle insurance. Talk to your insurance agent about the different types of coverage that can help you protect yourself and your motorcycle. Even if additional coverage makes your monthly premium higher, it can help you save a lot of money.

Choosing the right insurance policy helps you protect your belongings in the best way possible. You need to make sure your motorcycle insurance provides the right type and amount of coverage, and that starts with talking to an agent about policy specifics. If you need motorcycle insurance, contact our team to get a quote today.

rental insurance

The Importance of Rental Insurance

When it comes to inventory systems for their personal belongings, 49% of homeowners are reported to have one, according to Policygenius. Inventory systems are also important for folks with rental insurance. Let’s take a closer look at a few of the reasons why this type of insurance is so important.

Landlord Insurance Won’t Cover Your Belongings

Many people fall into the trap of thinking that their stuff will be covered by their landlord’s insurance policy. This is not the case! Your landlord’s insurance will cover the building structure, the roof, and any common areas inside and outside, which means that if there’s an accident, you’ll need to have your own insurance policy to help you replace the belongings lost in a covered event. Make sure that you have the protection you need for your personal belongings.

If Your Belongings Are Damaged or Destroyed, Rental Insurance Will Help You Replace It

Covered events, the catastrophes covered by your renter’s insurance, can cause loss and damage to personal belongings. Without the right insurance coverage, it can be your financial responsibility to replace any lost items. No one wants to have to come out of pocket for expenses that could be covered by the right renter’s policy. Personal articles can also be covered with supplemental riders if the items exceed the maximum single-item allowance. There is a wide range of policies available that can provide the protection you need.

With Many Policies, Your Belongings Are Covered, No Matter Where They Are

Many renter’s policies provide coverage of your belongings no matter where they are, which means that if your laptop is stolen on vacation, it’s covered. The same is true if you ride your bike over to a friend’s house and it’s stolen. Robust coverage like these examples allows anyone who suffers from a loss or theft to replace the items through an insurance claim. If you want to have comprehensive coverage of your personal belongings, no matter where you are, then it’s time to look into renter’s insurance. Find out more today about how having the right insurance in place can help you recover from a loss without having to face financial liability and responsibility.

Is it time for you to get renter’s insurance? We’re here to help with all of your insurance needs. Call or stop by our office today to learn more about the insurance services that we provide!

homeowners insurance

4 Times You’ll Use Your Homeowners Insurance

Have you ever heard the term “hope for the best but plan for the worst”? That term sums up exactly what homeowners insurance does. This insurance helps you plan for the worst situations while always hoping for the best. According to the Insurance Institute, about 5% of homeowners filed claims in 2019. Let’s take a look at the four times you’ll use your homeowners insurance and be glad you had the option.

1. Natural Disaster

The number of natural disasters and the severity of those disasters have increased over the last decade. You no longer must live in a “tornado alley” or a “hurricane zone” to experience a natural disaster. A rain event with high winds can send a tree crashing through your home. After suffering a natural disaster, one of the first things a homeowner does is call their insurance company. Home insurance is responsible for dealing with the fallout and damage from a natural disaster.

2. Theft

It can be devastating to come home and find our home was broken into while you were away. The damage and the loss can make you emotional, and the last thing you need is to worry about replacement costs. Luckily if you have homeowners’ insurance that covers theft, you can rest easy knowing the costs are covered. While it will still take you a little while to recover from such a violation, knowing that you don’t have to pay all the costs can make everything easier.

3. Fire

There are about 350,000 house fires annually in the United States, according to the Fire Protection Association. A house fire can be devastating, and it can take hundreds of thousands of dollars to recover from a large house fire. If it weren’t for homeowners insurance, many people wouldn’t be able to recover. In the case of a house fire, one of the first calls you make will be to your insurance company, so you can feel peace of mind.

4. Vandalism

What happens if people vandalize your property? Vandalism may be a covered incident, so it’s important to call your insurance company to discuss the repair costs as soon as possible.

Homeowners insurance can help you prepare for everything life can throw at you. Get to know your policy today and see if you need to make changes to your coverage to ensure you’re ready for anything by reaching out to us.

insurance agency

What Vehicles Can an Insurance Agency Cover?

As many as 215 million Americans have car insurance, according to Bankrate. If you’re uninsured, you should start looking into insurance agencies. You may be wondering what types of vehicles an insurance agency can cover. Let’s take a look at the three common types of vehicles an agency can cover.


Insuring a motorcycle can be cheaper than insuring a car, but it still depends on the insurance agency. Some insurance agencies specialize in motorcycle coverage, so they may have better rates. You may also get a discount if you insure your motorcycle and your car with the same agency. The average cost of motorcycle coverage is $519 per year, according to the Insurance Information Institute, which is a great price.


Watercraft insurance is similar to coverage for a car or motorcycle. A small boat may cost around $200 per year to insure, while a larger boat may cost closer to $1,000 per year. You may also get a discount if you insure multiple watercraft with the same insurance agency, so it’s worth it to ask about discounts. The type of boat will also affect your coverage rate, so be sure to ask about different rates for different boats.


The rates for a car depend on the insurance agency, the make and model of the car, and the driver’s driving record. A new sports car will have higher rates than an older sedan. A driver with a clean driving record will usually pay less for a plan than a driver with accidents or speeding tickets on their record.

When you’re looking for coverage, it’s important to compare rates from different agencies. You may get a discount if you bundle insurance policies, such as car and home insurance. Remember, the insurance agency you choose can make a big difference in the price you pay for protection. Get in touch with us today to learn all about our insurance plans for different vehicles.

Why You Need Home Insurance on a Mortgage

Homeowners insurance covers the damage or loss of your home or any asset damage inside your home. Generally, this type of insurance is designed to restore the initial value of your home after unexpected damage. Additionally, home insurance covers the mortgage lender.

For this reason, when applying for a mortgage, your lender will require proof that you’ve secured homeowners insurance before releasing funds. The good news is that most homeowners have insurance policies. According to the Insurance Information Institute, 93% of homeowners in the U.S. have homeowners insurance. You have no reason to be the odd one out. In any case, one in 20 homes file for a claim annually. Having home insurance means you’ll afford repair bills in case of an accident.

Let’s look at why it’s a requisite to get homeowners insurance on your mortgage.

Financial Capability to Pay Your Loan In Case of Catastrophic Damage

Suppose your home is destroyed by a catastrophic event such as a hurricane and you haven’t insured your mortgage. In this case, you’ll still be required to clear out your loan by your insurer and deal with your property loss. This situation can be overwhelming, and there is a likelihood that you won’t have the financial muscle to continue servicing the debt. However, with home insurance, your property will be covered in case of such a catastrophe. This means you’ll proceed with your mortgage payments as usual.

Your Home Will Be Insured of the Replacement Cost

Most lenders will need your home insured for 100% of the replacement cost. The aim is to ensure that in case of a disaster, your home will be rebuilt to completion, putting you back in the same financial position as before the disaster. It’s a guarantee that you’ll have a reason to continue servicing your mortgage.

Areas your homeowners insurance covers that you probably didn’t know include:

  • Personal Property Coverage
  • Dwelling Coverage
  • Personal Liability Coverage
  • Guest Medical Protection
  • Structure Coverage

When a catastrophic event occurs and completely wipes out your house, homeowners insurance on your mortgage ensures you get back on your feet. Your home will be rebuilt, and you can continue paying your mortgage normally. Call AOAWest today to get a quote for home insurance coverage.

home insurance

Should You Get Homeowners Insurance as First Time Buyers?

Most first-time homeowners ignore the importance of having insurance cover their house. A home is probably one of the most expensive assets you can buy in a lifetime. Therefore, insuring your house is not mandatory, but it’s highly recommended. Here are some of the reasons why a house owner may need insurance.

For Security Purposes

According to Policygenius, in 2019 more than 5% of house owners filed home insurance claims. Accidents are bound to happen in the house. For instance, if your house is not properly insulated, it may catch fire and burn down. The cost of rebuilding may make it impossible for you to complete the project. If you have your house insured, you will get your house rebuilt with the help of the home insurance policy.

Acts as a Cushion

Numerous insurance covers depend on the location. For instance, in places that experience destructive seasonal winds, having a home insurance company cover your roofing is a good idea. The insurance covers all the necessary roof repairs in case of such calamities. Natural hazards and disasters may cause massive damage and, at times, may require building from the foundation. With given policies, you can quickly rebuild your house to the roof with the help of home insurance.

It Helps You Worry Less

Having an insurance policy at your side keeps your mind at ease. You can easily concentrate on other things instead of worrying about accidents or break-ins that may happen when you are away. Living with no fear of the future promotes a healthy and better life.

Compensation in Case of Damage

Insurance policies can cover different parts of the home, much like your health insurance. For instance, you may have a policy that covers your house against natural disasters, a fire, or water leakage into the house. The policy you choose may depend on the probability of the accident happening. Some policies also cover two to three areas of insurance. Ensure to check what your policy covers to avoid frustrations if an accident happens. It’s necessary to have more than one policy covering your house to increase house safety. If accidents within the policy occur, the home insurance company estimates the damage value and pays.

If it’s your first time owning a home, you may note that it’s not necessary to have homeowners insurance, but it’s safer and logical to have one. Insurance will help you deal with any damage that may result from accidents in the house, a natural accident that may result in considerable damage, and a considerable budget for repairs. You’ll also be at ease knowing that your house is safe in case of a burglary. To get started with your policy, call us today at AOAWest. We’ll provide more information about the best home insurance cover for your home.

homeowners insurance

The Pros of Getting Homeowners Insurance Early On

Are you in the market to buy a house shortly? If so, you must do your research on homeowners insurance. This will help you figure out when you need to get it! Whether you’re a first-time home buyer or you need new insurance for your new home, it’s beneficial to know the pros of getting it early on.

Gives You Ample Time to Compare Different Coverages

It is recommended that you start looking for home insurance about a month before your actual closing date. This ensures that you will have the time to research and compare different types of coverage for your beloved new home. There are different kinds of rates for different locations and the cost could go up or down based on your home’s value, so that’s why it’s so important to give yourself time to find the insurance that fits your needs and budget.

Ensures Your Closing Date Will Stay the Same

When you are in the motion of buying a house, it is well known that you need to have your homeowners insurance policy in place by the closing date. If you don’t, you could be delaying the closing. This not only affects you but also the buyers and real estate agents. So, you should get everything set up and ensure it will be in effect by the closing date. Disclose the closing date with your insurance center to make sure they know when it should be in effect by.

Allows the Process to Go Smoothly

The process of buying a house can be stressful for all parties involved with all of the paperwork and deadlines that need to be met. As a soon-to-be homeowner, the last thing you want to do is scramble around last minute trying to find the right home insurance coverage. Being prepared early on can ensure that the entire closing process is smooth and that you won’t have to worry about a thing.

Buying a home doesn’t need to be stressful if you are prepared for all of the requirements needed. According to Policygenius, 93% of homeowners have insurance for homes. Getting the right homeowners insurance can keep your home and family safe from many different unexpected events. If you are a first-time home buyer or you are planning on switching your homeowners insurance policy, reach out to us today to speak with an insurance agency for more information.

insurance center

Why Do You Need Car Insurance?

When it comes to car insurance, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions floating around. Some people think that they don’t need car insurance if they have a low-value vehicle or that only young people need to worry about it. Others think that car insurance is a waste of money and can’t afford it. In this post, we’re going to dispel some of these myths and explain why you need car insurance, no matter who you are or what kind of car you drive.

1. Car Insurance Is Required by Law in Most States

Car insurance is required by law in most states. In fact, in many states, you can’t even register your car without proof of insurance. This means that if you get into an accident and you don’t have car insurance, you could end up facing some serious legal penalties.

2. Car Insurance Provides Financial Protection in the Event of an Accident

If you get into an accident and you don’t have car insurance, you could be responsible for paying for all of the damage yourself. This could end up costing you thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. Car insurance protects you from having to pay this money out of your own pocket. It also covers you if you are sued by the other driver in an accident.

3. Car Insurance Can Help You Save Money on Repair Costs

If you get into a car accident and your car is damaged, repairs can be expensive. Car insurance can help you save money on these costs. However, you need to ensure that you have the right kind of coverage. This could either be collision coverage that will help pay for the repairs to your car in case of an accident or comprehensive coverage that will help pay for damages caused by theft or vandalism.

4. Car Insurance Can Help You Get Back on the Road Quicker After an Accident

If you get into a car accident and your car is damaged, you may have to wait a while for it to be repaired. Car insurance can help you get back on the road quicker by providing you with a rental car while your car is being repaired. However, this coverage only applies if you have the right kind of coverage. Visit an insurance center to learn more about this.

According to Bankrate, around 215 million drivers in the country have vehicle insurance. This shows that insurance is not only important but that a majority of drivers see the value in it. Don’t be one of the drivers who go without insurance. Visit the insurance center today and find the right policy for your car.