What Are the Most Common Insurance Claims for Motor Vehicle Collisions?

Automobile claims make up about 52% of personal injury claims, and on average, an insurance center will process about 100 claims each month per adjuster. So what claims are most commonly made? Keep reading to find out.

Most Common Claims

In 2010, according to the Center for Disease Control, the total cost of auto insurance claims was $99 billion. There is a wealth of statistics and research that is done by every insurance center to determine which are the most often reported claims and how safety features can be improved to reduce those claims. Recent data shows that theft, fender-benders, and whiplash were the top three insurance claims filed under auto insurance claims.

Fender benders and theft are property damage claims, while whiplash is a common injury. Whiplash is a soft tissue injury of the neck and back that is caused by rear-end accidents. The body is propelled forward with a great deal of force when a vehicle is hit in the back end and then snaps back, pulling all the muscles in the neck, back, and shoulders.

Some Other Common Claims

An insurance center stays busy. New claims come in every day. Here are some more of the top auto insurance claims:

  • Windshield damage
  • Single vehicle accidents. These claims only involve one car (yours). For example, you back into a pole and damage your vehicle.
  • Vandalism. Someone “keys” your car or causes some other damage.

Accidents are the most frequent reason that people file an auto insurance claim, but there are plenty of other claims that are filed for similar damages, but they are not caused by accidents. A lot can happen to a vehicle that is unexpected and damaging that prompts an insurance claim.

Storm Damage

A hailstorm can cause a great deal of damage to your vehicle and often results in an auto insurance claim. Road debris can damage your vehicle, which according to data collected, is another top ten reason someone will file an auto insurance claim.

There are a lot of reasons why people take advantage of their auto insurance coverage and file a claim for repairs. Whether it is a simple fender bender or something a bit worse, the insurance company is there to process your claim quickly.

Posted in Insurance Options.