insurance center

Why Insurance Centers are Reporting More Accidents and Why You Should Consider Upgrading Your Plan

People spend a great deal of time on the road driving to work, school, doctors, family, and on errands. Add to that people driving for vacation or other travel needs and the number of vehicles on the road at any given time can be mind-blowing. The Insurance Information Institute reports that vehicle claim frequency is on the rise. Over the last few years, there has been a steady rise in collision claim frequency, which generally serves as a good indicator of overall accident rates. But why is this trend occurring, and what factors contribute to the ongoing rise in accidents being reported to insurance center representatives across the country?

Younger and Older Drivers on the Road

One contributing factor to auto accidents is the age of drivers who are on the road today. More and more young people and learning to drive while at the same time more seniors are still driving than ever before. The very inexperienced new drivers and the high-risk senior drivers are making for a volatile mix that can greatly increase the odds of accidents occurring.

Older Vehicles Being Driven Longer

With all the advancements in technology and safety features vehicles have today, you would think driving would be safer. However, more people are still driving older vehicles than what was seen in the past. Vehicles are expensive, so more drivers are opting to keep their older vehicles rather than buying newer ones. This can at times lead to sudden vehicle failure and issues while driving.

Careless Driving is an Ongoing Issue

Wile we have vehicles today with features such as driving assist and rear-camera views, there is still the issue of driver carelessness. Automated features and smart technology can only go so far and do so much when drivers themselves are still being reckless and careless on the road. Distracted and careless driving are still among the leading reasons for auto accidents today.

DUI cases Still Continue to Rise

Unfortunately, the leading cause of auto accidents in the country today still remains driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Deaths related to impaired driving climbs nearly every year and continue to be a major issue for traffic safety and motor vehicle organizations. New laws and regulations aim at reducing numbers, but it is still an ongoing fight.

It is clear that there are a number of factors that are contributing to the growing number of accidents being reported to insurance center reps. By focusing on these causes and addressing the underlying issues, improvements can be made to help keep drivers safe while on the road.

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