motorcycle insurance

Why You Need Motorcycle Insurance With Insurance Claims on The Rise

If you own a motorcycle, you probably know that it’s important to get motorcycle insurance. But why exactly is it so important to get motorcycle insurance based on the current trends in insurance claims? Find out three of the most important reasons below.

You May Legally Need Motorcycle Insurance

The first, and possibly most important, reason to get insurance for your motorcycle is that it may be legally required. In certain states, you need to have proof of a motorcycle insurance policy, and if you ever get pulled over by the police you’ll want to be sure that you have your insurance documents handy. If you get pulled over and don’t have insurance, you may incur additional fees, so it’s best to insure a motorcycle before you encounter potential issues.

Accidents Happen

No matter how good of a motorcycle driver you are, it’s possible to get in an accident. Because of an accident, you could damage your own bike, another vehicle, or even someone’s property. In order to avoid having to pay for all of this damage out of pocket, you should be sure to complete the insurance process before you start driving your motorcycle on the open road. Between 2014 and 2016, the frequency of collision claims increased by 2.6%, and if you’re unlucky enough to add to that statistic, you want to be sure that you aren’t financially burdened by any damage caused.

Roadside Assistance

If your motorcycle encounters an issue and you are stuck on the side of the road, you’ll want to be sure that you have roadside assistance built into your coverage, as it is one of the most important insurance needs. Although in a perfect world you would never break down, there can be a wide variety of issues that can come up with your motorcycle that could cause it to break down, from unperformed maintenance to difficulties due to the weather. When you have motorcycle insurance that covers roadside assistance, you won’t have to worry about paying a lot out of pocket if you have to be towed.

Every year is seeing an increase in the number of collisions on the road, but with good insurance coverage, you won’t have to worry about paying for repairs out of pocket. To learn more about the insurance coverage offered by AOA West, Inc insurance, make sure to get in contact with our team today. We look forward to helping you with your coverage!

Posted in Insurance Options.