What Are the Most Common Insurance Claims for Motor Vehicle Collisions?

Automobile claims make up about 52% of personal injury claims, and on average, an insurance center will process about 100 claims each month per adjuster. So what claims are most commonly made? Keep reading to find out.

Most Common Claims

In 2010, according to the Center for Disease Control, the total cost of auto insurance claims was $99 billion. There is a wealth of statistics and research that is done by every insurance center to determine which are the most often reported claims and how safety features can be improved to reduce those claims. Recent data shows that theft, fender-benders, and whiplash were the top three insurance claims filed under auto insurance claims.

Fender benders and theft are property damage claims, while whiplash is a common injury. Whiplash is a soft tissue injury of the neck and back that is caused by rear-end accidents. The body is propelled forward with a great deal of force when a vehicle is hit in the back end and then snaps back, pulling all the muscles in the neck, back, and shoulders.

Some Other Common Claims

An insurance center stays busy. New claims come in every day. Here are some more of the top auto insurance claims:

  • Windshield damage
  • Single vehicle accidents. These claims only involve one car (yours). For example, you back into a pole and damage your vehicle.
  • Vandalism. Someone “keys” your car or causes some other damage.

Accidents are the most frequent reason that people file an auto insurance claim, but there are plenty of other claims that are filed for similar damages, but they are not caused by accidents. A lot can happen to a vehicle that is unexpected and damaging that prompts an insurance claim.

Storm Damage

A hailstorm can cause a great deal of damage to your vehicle and often results in an auto insurance claim. Road debris can damage your vehicle, which according to data collected, is another top ten reason someone will file an auto insurance claim.

There are a lot of reasons why people take advantage of their auto insurance coverage and file a claim for repairs. Whether it is a simple fender bender or something a bit worse, the insurance company is there to process your claim quickly.

insurance for a motorcycle

The Best Insurance For a Motorcycle and The Most Common Insurance Claims

Anyone who owns a motorcycle and rides it on public roads needs to purchase insurance to ride legally. Virtually all states require at least a minimum level of liability coverage for property damage and bodily injuries suffered by others. If the motorcycle is financed, the lien holder usually requires full coverage to protect its financial interest in the bike. Full coverage when it comes to insurance for a motorcycle includes collision and comprehensive insurance that protects the bike and requires the owner to pay a deductible when filing a claim.

Type of Bike Affects Rates on Insurance for a Motorcycle

Insurance for a motorcycle could be very costly or very affordable. The factors that usually add up to high insurance costs are age and whether or not the motorcycle is a sport bike. A young rider has relatively little riding experience in traffic and is a higher risk for insurers to cover. Many young riders prefer sport bikes, which are very fast and have lots of costly bodywork. Insurers always charge high rates for young riders who choose costly bikes and are prone to riding accidents. Some large cruisers, like a Harley-Davidson bagger, also can cost quite a bit to insure for some riders.

Why Carry Uninsured/Underinsured Coverage

It always is a good idea for riders of all ages and experience levels to carry uninsured or underinsured motorists insurance for motorcycles. When a typical passenger vehicle strikes a motorcyclist, the biker usually takes the worst of the damage. After all, motorcycles do not have seat belts, air bags, or impact panels that absorb energy and help to prevent or reduce injuries in accidents. And their smaller size and weight ensure motorcycles and their riders take the worst of any collision with another vehicle.

When a motorist causes an accident that sends a motorcyclist to the emergency room, that motorist might not have enough liability insurance to cover the cost of medical treatment and property damage. And if an at-fault motorist either has no insurance or flees the scene and is not found in a hit-and-run, the cost falls upon the motorcyclist. Uninsured or underinsured motorists’ coverage will pay for those costs up to policy limits.

Coverage for Motorcycle Modifications

Many motorcycle owners love to modify their bikes. Many mount aftermarket exhausts, air intakes, and performance modules that enable their bikes to ride better. And handlebars, controls, and other modifications all cost money. Most insurers offer coverage for modifications that smart bikers use.

motorcycle insurance

Why You Need Motorcycle Insurance With Insurance Claims on The Rise

If you own a motorcycle, you probably know that it’s important to get motorcycle insurance. But why exactly is it so important to get motorcycle insurance based on the current trends in insurance claims? Find out three of the most important reasons below.

You May Legally Need Motorcycle Insurance

The first, and possibly most important, reason to get insurance for your motorcycle is that it may be legally required. In certain states, you need to have proof of a motorcycle insurance policy, and if you ever get pulled over by the police you’ll want to be sure that you have your insurance documents handy. If you get pulled over and don’t have insurance, you may incur additional fees, so it’s best to insure a motorcycle before you encounter potential issues.

Accidents Happen

No matter how good of a motorcycle driver you are, it’s possible to get in an accident. Because of an accident, you could damage your own bike, another vehicle, or even someone’s property. In order to avoid having to pay for all of this damage out of pocket, you should be sure to complete the insurance process before you start driving your motorcycle on the open road. Between 2014 and 2016, the frequency of collision claims increased by 2.6%, and if you’re unlucky enough to add to that statistic, you want to be sure that you aren’t financially burdened by any damage caused.

Roadside Assistance

If your motorcycle encounters an issue and you are stuck on the side of the road, you’ll want to be sure that you have roadside assistance built into your coverage, as it is one of the most important insurance needs. Although in a perfect world you would never break down, there can be a wide variety of issues that can come up with your motorcycle that could cause it to break down, from unperformed maintenance to difficulties due to the weather. When you have motorcycle insurance that covers roadside assistance, you won’t have to worry about paying a lot out of pocket if you have to be towed.

Every year is seeing an increase in the number of collisions on the road, but with good insurance coverage, you won’t have to worry about paying for repairs out of pocket. To learn more about the insurance coverage offered by AOA West, Inc insurance, make sure to get in contact with our team today. We look forward to helping you with your coverage!

The Last Thing You Should Do Is Choose the Cheap Option On Your Motorcycle Insurance Policy

If you have recently purchased a motorcycle, the next best step to take is purchasing quality motorcycle insurance. With about 75% of motorcycle accidents involving collisions with another vehicle, you never know when you’ll need proper coverage.

As a responsible motorcycle owner, don’t settle for the cheap option. Instead, find a motorcycle insurance policy that provides extensive coverage in the following ways.

Collision Coverage

First and foremost, you need a motorcycle insurance policy that covers you in the case of a collision. Whether a collision is your fault or not, you need proper coverage so that your motorcycle can be repaired or replaced and the other vehicle affected can be fixed. Liability coverage may also be included because you’ll need protection in the event you caused an accident.

Roadside and Towing Coverage

In the case of an accident, your motorcycle may be immovable on the open road or highway. This is when roadside and towing coverage come into play. If you ever need your motorcycle towed, you’ll be happy you didn’t choose the cheap option. Being a responsible vehicle owner is all about protecting your property in the event of an emergency!

Maintenance Coverage

Similar to an extended warranty, you want a motorcycle insurance policy that provides maintenance and breakdown coverage. If your motorcycle were to break down, you want to be able to send your vehicle to a shop for any broken parts to be fixed without putting a dent in your wallet.

Injury Coverage

You should also insure a motorcycle with excellent medical and injury coverage. In the event you or another driver are injured, your motorcycle insurance policy would cover necessary medical payments and other expenses related to an injury whether you caused the accident or not.

Passenger Coverage

A great motorcycle insurance policy will offer passenger coverage as well. This will protect you and your guest in case an accident were to occur.

A responsible motorcycle owner will assess their insurance needs when they purchase their desired vehicle. To obtain an excellent motorcycle insurance policy and for help with the insurance process, contact a reputable insurance agency in your area today.

insurance center

3 Add-Ons To Consider For Your Car Insurance Policy

When buying a car, there are a lot of considerations to make regarding insurance. After all, not every car is going to need the exact same type of insurance as the next. Some would benefit more from different add-ons or more comprehensive policies than others. For example, insurance for antique cars might need to cover more than just the fender-benders that are normally taken care of by basic policies. In addition, parents of young drivers might desire additional coverage to ensure that their families are fully protected in case of an auto accident.


This is why it’s worth visiting or contacting an insurance center versus shopping around on your own. While it’s easy to get away with a lesser policy when shopping for your own insurance, working with an employee at a center helps you get what you really need, rather than the first policy that technically works. With that in mind, let’s explore some of the add-ons that you may want to consider when looking for car insurance.


1. Roadside Assistance

While the three most common car insurance claims are for fender benders, thefts, and whiplash, there are a lot of incidents that don’t involve any of those issues. For example, what will you do if your car simply stalls out, leaving you stranded on the side of the road? What happens if your tire blows out and you don’t have the ability to change it yourself? This is where emergency roadside assistance comes in handy, which is why many car insurance providers offer this add-on today.


Through emergency roadside assistance, your insurance providers can contact an on-call tow truck to tow you to your house or the nearest auto shop at any time of day or night. They can also make sure that your tire is changed if you don’t know how to do that yourself (and if you aren’t sure about your tire-changing skills, an attempt is not worth the risk). Emergency roadside assistance also typically covers battery jumps, gasoline deliveries, and locksmith services. Generally speaking, it’s a good idea to add emergency roadside assistance to your policy.


2. Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Obviously, you’re taking care of your insurance needs. But that doesn’t mean that everyone else on the road is. While at the insurance center, you may not think that you need uninsured motorist coverage at first. Doesn’t everyone need to have car insurance? Yes, but more drivers take the risk of hitting the road without insurance than you might think. Depending on the state in which you live, you could have a greater risk of being in a collision with an uninsured driver.


Another reason why you may want to add uninsured motorist coverage to your policy at your insurance center is simply the risk of a hit-and-run collision. In that case, you may never know who collided with your vehicle and whether or not they had coverage. Some car owners add this coverage simply because the minimum insurance required by their state doesn’t cover all accident-related expenses. It’s certainly something to consider as you move through the insurance process. You need to make sure that you’re covered under any circumstances.


3. Personal Injury Protection

If you don’t have a full-coverage health plan or even any medical insurance at all, you should consider personal injury protection (or PIP). This type of personal insurance covers medical expenses connected to accidents, such as surgical fees, ambulance fees, and sometimes even lost wages and rehabilitation costs. Even if you’re determined to be at-fault in an accident, PIP will cover you. PIP coverage will vary depending on the state in which it’s issued, the policy itself, and the insurer. But it’s an important type of coverage to think about if you lack health coverage.


Clearly, add-ons are important and can save you a lot of time and money. But it can be difficult to determine what is best for your specific circumstances and how best to get that coverage without the expertise offered at an insurance center. Before settling for a lesser policy, consider visiting an insurance center first.

insurance for antique cars

How Do You Get Insurance For Antique Cars?

Finding classic car insurance for antique car owners is not as easy as you might think. A lot of people make the mistake of not getting adequate coverage for their antique cars.

It is important that you work with an insurance agency that can ensure that you get the coverage that you need to protect your investment. Classic cars require special coverage that is customized to your specific coverage needs.

What You Need to Know About Insurance For Antique Cars

When you call a trusted insurance center be sure that you mention right away that you are trying to secure coverage for an antique car.

You should mention it right away because not every insurance agency is knowledgeable about coverage for classic cars and they may not be able to meet your insurance needs.

Of course, there are also things you should NOT do when you are searching for this type of coverage. Insurance for antique cars is not something you can really secure on a website. Insurance needs vary widely with classic cars and typically online insurance does not really address the unique coverage that will completely protect your antique car.

Getting the support that you need requires a more personalized experience than an online search can provide. It is always best to work with a trusted agent, just to be sure that your insurance needs get the attention that they deserve.

Be Prepared

To ensure you get the right coverage you likely will have to provide pictures of your vehicle and provide any documentation that you have that is relevant to the vehicle. For example, if you have a classic car that you have refurbished from bumper to bumper or made modifications to that have affected the value, you will need to provide that information.

The value of antique cars and trucks can range greatly. Providing the documentation that the insurance company needs to make a fair valuation of your vehicle will ensure you get the full coverage that protects.

Insurance for antique cars may take a little more effort to secure but it is well worth the extra time. Get the support that you need today.

insurance for antique cars

Getting Insurance for Antique Cars

Insurance for antique cars helps to protect your investment. If you own a classic car, you can get the coverage that you need to protect your prized possession.

Finding insurance for collector vehicles can be difficult and cost-prohibitive if you do not know where to look. The good news is you can find the ideal plan to protect your classic cars if you know where to turn.

Getting The Best Value

If you have an antique car listed on your regular auto policy plan, then you are at risk! A regular auto policy may not pay out the true value of your classic car if something should happen to it.

Collector car insurance policies are written especially for the classic car owner. Regular auto policies treat your antique car like they would any other type of passenger car without consideration of their unique value.

The three most common auto insurance claims are theft, fender benders, and whiplash injuries. If you have a “regular” auto policy insuring your classic, you may not ever recover the true value of your vehicle if any of those things happen with your antique car.

Why Would You Risk It?

Maybe you only use your vehicle seasonally and it is stored safely in the garage most of the year. You may feel like it is a waste of money to pay the extra premiums to insure your vehicle. However, there are many good reasons to invest in extra coverage.

Even if you are only using your classic vehicle during certain seasons, you can still find affordable coverage that will fully protect your vehicle year-round. A regular policy simply does not deliver protection you can depend on.

Talk to the Experts

An insurance agent that specializes in insuring antique and classic vehicles is the resource that you want to turn to. This is the best way to get honest answers about an insurance plan. Many agents do not offer this specific coverage, which can leave you holding the bag when something inevitably goes wrong on the way to a car show.

Before you make insurance decisions for your classic vehicle, be sure to get the whole picture from a trusted agent. Ultimately, this is the best way to protect the vehicle you love so much.

insurance agency

Automobile Blunders: Car Insurance Mistakes to Avoid

With roughly 6 million cars sold each year throughout the United States, most Americans spend a significant amount of time on the road. And while we rely on our vehicles to get us from place to place, there’s a good chance that a collision could impede your ability to provide your own transportation (at least temporarily). If and when that happens, you’ll want the assurance that you’ll be covered for potential damages. That’s where your car insurance agency will come in, of course. But if you make miscalculations pertaining to your insurance needs, you could find yourself dealing with mounting costs and no peace of mind. In today’s post, we’ll discuss a few key car insurance mistakes to avoid in the hopes that you’ll know for certain that your policy is among the options for car insurance Portland drivers can count on — no matter what.

MISTAKE: Forgetting to Shop Around

Whether you’re in the market for some classic car insurance or want more than just the bare minimum policy for your minivan, you’ll need to shop around before making any final decisions. Even if the very first insurance agency you talk to ends up being the right one for you, you should compare rates from at least a few different providers before making a choice. Different insurers may offer similar coverage at very different rates or policies that are similar in price but that are structured quite differently. You’ll need to weigh your options, especially if your current policy is about to expire. Rates and coverages can vary drastically, so failing to shop around will do yourself a disservice.

MISTAKE: Making Assumptions About Your Coverage

Because the insurance process can be quite confusing, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. When we feel rushed or simply just want to get this task over and done with, we might be prone to making assumptions about what a given policy will cover. If you assume that you’re covered for a certain scenario, you might end up paying for a policy that doesn’t suit your needs. Alternatively, you could be stuck paying for damages out of pocket if you find out later that your policy won’t help you. You’ll want to zero in on the gaps in your coverage before you buy and determine what you can do to minimize those gaps. You might choose to purchase a supplemental policy or go for a completely different option that provides the coverage you’re looking for. But if you don’t find out what’s covered from the start, you’ll be in for an unwelcome surprise later on.

MISTAKE: Overestimating or Underestimating Necessary Coverage

Before deciding on the insurance agency for you, you’ll need to accurately determine the amount of coverage you need. If you buy too much coverage, you’ll end up paying for a policy that’s worth more than your vehicle or its cost of repairs. You might also have policies that overlap, which means you’ll be paying more for an area to be covered twice. But on the other hand, buying too little coverage can have major financial repercussions. To save money on your premiums, for example, you might be inclined to purchase the minimum insurance coverage required by your state. But if you’re in an accident that exceeds what that policy covers, you’ll regret your frugal decision. Therefore, you’ll want to take an honest assessment of the kind of coverage with which you’re comfortable; while you don’t want to pay an arm and a leg to your insurance agency each month, you also don’t want to find yourself in a scenario that renders you unable to pay for damages.

One of the best ways to avoid the pitfalls of car insurance? Make sure your insurance agency has a stellar reputation and that your agent can answer any questions or address any concerns you may have. For more information on our insurance options, please contact us today.

Advantages of a Local, Family-Owned Insurance Agency

Choosing the right insurance provider is a tough decision that most Americans will go through at some point in their lives. There are a multitude of factors that determine your decision. Maybe your insurance needs include collector vehicles like classic cars. Or, perhaps you need RV insurance. Then, you have to balance your coverage needs against the best cost. Finally, all the benefits in the world can’t paint over the need for quality customer service. With all that being said, here are a few benefits of choosing a family-owned, local insurance agency.

Local Knowledge

A family-owned insurance agency is going to be very knowledgeable about the local area. If you have to file a claim for an accident, they will actually know the road it happened on. This is because they themselves have probably been driving on it all their lives. That knowledge can help them better evaluate your claim. This is especially true for the three most common types of insurance claims, fender bender, theft, and whiplash. Personal knowledge of the area could give them added insight into your claim.

Customer Service

Without a doubt, the strongest asset of a family-owned, local insurance agency is their customer service. In a world where big, faceless corporations seem dominant, the value of quality customer service has never been higher. Family-owned insurance agencies take the time to create relationships with their customers. They often provide their personal contact information and make themselves available at all hours. This creates a bond of trust where customers are comfortable knowing that if they get in an accident, their insurance agent is going to be there for them.


As family-owned insurance agencies are local, they are committed to the success of the community. They sponsor youth sports teams, lend help in volunteering, and support other local businesses. At the end of the day, they are neighbors first. Choosing them as your insurance provider reaffirms that commitment to the community.

Overall, choosing the right insurance provider can be difficult. But, selecting a family-owned insurance agency can provide a lot of advantages. If you want someone that is locally knowledgable, has great customer service, and is invested in the community, then it could be the right choice for you.

insurance center

Automobile Misconceptions: Car Insurance Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Most drivers today understand the need for auto insurance. But what isn’t as widely understood is what auto insurance typically covers or what factors play a role in determining your insurance costs. While these questions can certainly be answered be the experts at your insurance center, it may also help to take a look at today’s post. We’re dispelling some common (yet totally misguided) beliefs pertaining to car insurance.

MYTH: The color of your car impacts your auto insurance premiums.

Truth: Whether you’ve got a red Mustang or a black mini-van, it’s not the color of your car that will determine how much you pay for your insurance needs. The idea here is that flashy cars are more likely to be pulled over on the road or to be stolen by criminals, so it makes sense that someone might assume that a bold color could be a warning sign to insurers. But actually, it has no bearing on your premiums. What does matter is the vehicle make, model, age, value, engine size, and a few other factors. You won’t be penalized for liking a particular hue.

MYTH: If your friend borrows your car and is involved in a crash, your friend’s insurance policy will cover the damages.

Truth: As anyone at an insurance center will tell you, the policy follows the car — not the driver. So if someone borrows your vehicle and is involved in a crash, it’s the owner of the vehicle (you!) who will be responsible for dealing with the damages. Any claim being filed would go through your insurance company, even though your actions weren’t what caused the damages. Unless you’re on a shared auto insurance policy with other family members who also drive your vehicle, this can be a good reason not to trust anyone else to drive your car.

MYTH: If I have comprehensive insurance coverage, I’m covered for virtually anything.

Truth: The word “comprehensive” can be a bit misleading. While it may sound as if it’s all-encompassing, there are actually some major scenarios that are left out of comprehensive auto insurance coverage. Comprehensive insurance protects against causes of damage to your car other than accidents — such as theft, vandalism, and other natural disasters. This kind of coverage is great when the unexpected should occur, especially if you’re not in your vehicle at the time. However, it’s really best when coupled with collision insurance. When the two are combined, both you and your car will be protected against most situations.

MYTH: I don’t need comprehensive auto insurance for theft if I drive an older vehicle.

Truth: Comprehensive auto insurance is typically optional. But that doesn’t mean you should opt out, even if you own a car you don’t think will attract attention. While there were over 268 million registered vehicles on U.S. roads during 2016, it actually isn’t the unique vehicles that are most tempting to criminals. Statistics show that it’s actually the run-of-the-mill cars that tend to be most enticing. If there are more of those models available on the roads, their parts have more value. So while it’s certainly essential for rare and classic cars to be properly insured against theft, this type of criminal activity should also be a concern for those who drive common cars.

Now that you know the truth behind these misconceptions, you’ll feel much more informed when you talk to someone at your insurance center about obtaining or changing a policy. We’re known as a source for car insurance Portland motorists trust — and we’re here to help make certain you’re protected. For more information, please get in touch with us today.